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Thomas Satterfield: Hairdresser, Performer/ Female Impersonator Birmingham, Alabama | satterfielthom.jpg

"Now, honey, let's don't confuse what I do with being a drag queen, because I am not what I would consider a drag queen.  I am a marketable theater commodity. I have no desire whatsoever to be a woman.  It just so happens that due to the Southern genetics and the bone structure that I have inherited, that it is very easy for me to look like Kittie Ballbangs. I want to be very emphatic about this because I've never altered my body."

"Now, honey, let's don't confuse what I do with being a drag queen, because I am not what I would consider a drag queen. I am a marketable theater commodity. I have no desire whatsoever to be a woman. It just so happens that due to the Southern genetics and the bone structure that I have inherited, that it is very easy for me to look like Kittie Ballbangs. I want to be very emphatic about this because I've never altered my body."

Faces Satterfield

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