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Rose Rock: Radio Talk Show Host Georgetown, South Carolina | rockrose.jpg

"The old Africans had a way of welcoming babies. When a child was born, they brought it out of the hut, and they held it up, and they said, "Behold the only thing greater than you." Black people need to get back to teaching their kids who they are and what they can do and to have big dreams. We dream so small. I mean not only Blacks, but everyone needs to teach their kids to dream, dream big. Dream your biggest dreams.  I mean there are still so many things that I want to get my hands into and I have just begun."

"The old Africans had a way of welcoming babies. When a child was born, they brought it out of the hut, and they held it up, and they said, "Behold the only thing greater than you." Black people need to get back to teaching their kids who they are and what they can do and to have big dreams. We dream so small. I mean not only Blacks, but everyone needs to teach their kids to dream, dream big. Dream your biggest dreams. I mean there are still so many things that I want to get my hands into and I have just begun."

Faces Rock

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