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Kathryn Tucker Windham: Author, Storyteller and Photographer Selma, Alabama | windhamkatherinetucker.jpg

"I just don't think you can beat the truth. The truth is just pure and it's all right there, and laid out open for you to see. Well, take my ghost stories. They're true.  You can visit the places where they happened, the names are accurate, and the events surrounding the supernatural occurrence did take place.  I used my investigative reporter skills to ferret out the truth about them.  Truth is always stranger than fiction and it's also not as believable as fiction."

"I just don't think you can beat the truth. The truth is just pure and it's all right there, and laid out open for you to see. Well, take my ghost stories. They're true. You can visit the places where they happened, the names are accurate, and the events surrounding the supernatural occurrence did take place. I used my investigative reporter skills to ferret out the truth about them. Truth is always stranger than fiction and it's also not as believable as fiction."

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