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Melinda Haynes: Author Mobile, Alabama | haynesmelinda.jpg

"I feel more comfortable in the internal world than I do the external one. I think that's why I can really, really fall in love with the characters, and that's so necessary in writing. Every book that I've written, every time I develop a character, I love that character, even the bad ones. I love them, and I can see them. They move around me and they live with me. I see them, and I see the places where I put them. I try to tell people this and they just think I'm crazy."

"I feel more comfortable in the internal world than I do the external one. I think that's why I can really, really fall in love with the characters, and that's so necessary in writing. Every book that I've written, every time I develop a character, I love that character, even the bad ones. I love them, and I can see them. They move around me and they live with me. I see them, and I see the places where I put them. I try to tell people this and they just think I'm crazy."

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