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Herman Leonard: Photographer of Jazz Musicians New Orleans, Louisiana | leonardherman.jpg

"I don't know whether it is the love of photography or the love of what photography did for me --it gave me some measure of importance. I was a withdrawn, shy kid and always felt inferior.  But the camera was my security blanket.  If I go out tonight and I'm not with somebody, I'll have that camera, whether I shoot or not. That's my security blanket.  I can go anywhere in the world now."

"I don't know whether it is the love of photography or the love of what photography did for me --it gave me some measure of importance. I was a withdrawn, shy kid and always felt inferior. But the camera was my security blanket. If I go out tonight and I'm not with somebody, I'll have that camera, whether I shoot or not. That's my security blanket. I can go anywhere in the world now."

Faces Artist Leonard

Subject H-P