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Dr. Lester Newman: President, Mississippi Valley State Itta Bena, Mississippi | newmanlester.jpg

"My grandfather was an entrepreneur in a sense, he did a lot of things and provided very well for us.  He always instilled in us the need to give back to others, and I guess I grew up with that notion. I guess that's one reason why I got into education, because it's one way of giving back to others who may not have all the things that they need to have that great life initially, but education can provide that for you."

"My grandfather was an entrepreneur in a sense, he did a lot of things and provided very well for us. He always instilled in us the need to give back to others, and I guess I grew up with that notion. I guess that's one reason why I got into education, because it's one way of giving back to others who may not have all the things that they need to have that great life initially, but education can provide that for you."

Faces Newman

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